It is strange the things a writer can find themselves doing, especially if they take on writing a book about country shows. On Saturday, for the first time, Liz found herself officially opening an agricultural show - at Kimba - and helping to make presentations to two new life members of the local show society. She definitely needs to practice her badge pinning techniques, although at least she managed not to stab anyone in the chest.
Despite blustery weather there was a good turnout for the event, with some impressive entries in the cookery section, particularly the sponge rolls which were mouth-watering works of art.
And speaking of sponge rolls, a special treat was getting to share lunch with Wudinna cook Mavis Sampson who shares her honey sponge roll recipe in The Blue Ribbon Cookbook. Mavis travelled to Kimba to especially to meet Liz - the two had to rely on telephone discussions to create the Wudinna section of the book.
Many thanks for show secretary Janet King, local cook and convenor Dianne Hamblyn, and their colleagues for their hospitality. Janet is pictured viewing the world fr
om the customer window of the secretary's office, which saw quite a bit of traffic on Saturday.
Liz travelled to Kimba with Bob and Margaret Rankin from Wilmington, who are featured in The Blue Ribbon Cookbook with their lemon butter recipe. The Rankins were called on to help judge junior handicrafts, and preserves sections at the show, but they also siezed the opportunity to take some entries along for the cookery section, and some entries from daughter Pauline for the handicrafts section where she won a trophy.
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